Jesus day is December 25th,John the baptist day is June 24th......the two solstices....summer and winter.
When the sun reaches the tropic of Cancer.....the only way is down as it makes its journey back to the tropic of Capricorn.
The light starts to decrease......however when it reaches the tropic of Capricorn at the winter solstice it starts to climb again....and light starts increasing once more.
This is why John says....."that one must go on increasing and I shall go on decreasing"
The sun is behind the story of Elisha.......When the sun is at the winter solstice the rays or "hair" of the sun have disappeared....the sun is in effect "baldy" and the only way to get its hair back is to go back up to the tropic of Cancer once "go up you baldhead,go up you baldhead"! (the two bears are ursa major and ursa minor)
The sun and its yearly journey is also behind the story of Samson (Samson means man of the sun...the clue is in the name).
Again,Samson loses his hair (strength/rays) after visiting Delilah (house of Virgo).....before that he fights a lion and there are bees in the lion....this is the constellation of Leo and "Praesepe" the beehive cluster.
When he sets the foxes tails on is telling us about the festival of Cerealia
They had firefox even back then.
Hercules is also the sun.....and his 12 labours are the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Jesus is the sun...and he walks round Galilee (Galilee means circuit....the circuit of the year....with his 12 disciples/12 signs of the zodiac).
A more modern version of the cycle and the 12 zodiac signs are found in the story of "King Arthur" (the sun) and the 12 "knights" (signs of the zodiac) of the round table (the circle of the year).
It's all stories about the sun......that is why the prophets could prophesy......they could work out what happens in each part of the cycle....whether daily,yearly or the cycle of the ages.